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Characters - 4)', 'email_exist_err' => 'This email is already registered', 'email_unknown_err' => 'There is no user with this email', 'user_block_err' => 'This user is undefined or blocked', 'pass_wrong_err' => 'Invalid password', 'pass_confirm_err' => 'Passwords do not match', 'server_err' => 'Server error', 'reg_err' => 'Error registering', 'reg_success' => 'Successful registration', 'auth_success' => 'Successful authorization', 'recevery_success' => 'A letter with further instructions has been sent to your email', 'recovery_mail_text' => 'To change the password follow the link:' ], 'order_form' => [ 'pay_method_err' => 'Choose payment method', 'delivery_method_err' => 'Choose delivery method', 'pay_method_err2' => 'Payment method not found', 'delivery_method_err2' => 'Delivery method not found', 'name_err' => 'Enter a valid Name', 'last_name_err' => 'Enter a valid Last Name', 'address_err' => 'Enter a valid Address', 'city_err' => 'Enter a valid City', 'country_err' => 'Choose your country', 'state_err' => 'Choose your state', 'zip_code' => 'Enter a valid Zip Code', 'email_err' => 'Please enter a valid email', 'phone_err' => 'Provide the correct phone number', 'cart_err' => 'No items found in the cart', 'success_creation' => 'Order successfully created', 'modal_title' => 'Thanks for your order', 'modal_text' => 'Your order is accepted!', 'modal_caption' => 'Our manager will contact you shortly', 'modal_order_word' => 'Order', 'update_success' => 'Data successfully updated', 'update_err' => 'Error updating data', 'session_err' => 'Session time exhausted, please log in', 'redirect_topay_text' => 'Redirect to the payment page...', 'fname' => 'First name', 'lname' => 'Last name', 'address' => 'Address', 'address_att' => '(U.S. address only)', 'city' => 'City', 'state' => 'State', 'zip' => 'Zip Code', 'email' => 'Email address', 'phone' => 'Phone', 'card_number' => 'Card number', 'mmyy' => 'MM/YY', 'cmm' => 'CMM', 'postal' => 'Postal', 'keep_me_up_check' => 'Keep me 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country', 'state_err' => 'Choose your state', 'zip_code' => 'Enter a valid Zip Code', 'email_err' => 'Please enter a valid email', 'phone_err' => 'Provide the correct phone number', 'cart_err' => 'No items found in the cart', 'success_creation' => 'Order successfully created', 'modal_title' => 'Thanks for your order', 'modal_text' => 'Your order is accepted!', 'modal_caption' => 'Our manager will contact you shortly', 'modal_order_word' => 'Order', 'update_success' => 'Data successfully updated', 'update_err' => 'Error updating data', 'session_err' => 'Session time exhausted, please log in', 'redirect_topay_text' => 'Redirect to the payment page...', 'fname' => 'First name', 'lname' => 'Last name', 'address' => 'Address', 'address_att' => '(U.S. address only)', 'city' => 'City', 'state' => 'State', 'zip' => 'Zip Code', 'email' => 'Email address', 'phone' => 'Phone', 'card_number' => 'Card number', 'mmyy' => 'MM/YY', 'cmm' => 'CMM', 'postal' => 'Postal', 'keep_me_up_check' => 'Keep me 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